For as long as I can remember, I wanted Target. I don't know, those glossy meticulate ads are oh-so compelling. Nevermind the fact that people always told me that only the big fashion agency girls ever gets those jobs. Me? I'm a commercial model. Dell Computers and Cosmopolitan are my forte they tell me. And after hearing "you can't, you can't" for so long, you kinda start to believe it.
So sitting on my second Target photoshoot of the year in my appointed sparkling party dress I think... what now? It feels like an end of a dream. Cheesy as it sounds, whenever I take a good picture I can only deem it worthy if it's something I would be proud to show to Target if I ever got the chance.
But then I smile in spite of myself because well... I got Target! They like me! Me! Not just once but twice! And something as seemingly superficial as that propels me into the New Year.
So what now? Well...
everything! Everything is possible and I'm going to do the best damn job I can and be thankful every step of the way because they can't tell me I can't. Not anymore.
Most of all, I'm content. Happy with the way life turned out, Target or not. Waking up every morning to the best smile on earth and everything that comes with it... better than any silly glossy ad.
I love ya man in my life : )
and I love ya big guy in the sky.